The Trend & Realization of SOA, Yen-Nun Huang, III.
- SOA is not just about TECHNOLOGY, but about how Tech and Business link together.
- Development of an Enhanced Web-based Automatic Cusomer Service System, J. Wu, Chung0Hua University.
- 用semantic search 作 Key word analysis
- Finding "the best-fit" answer
- Formalizing State Alignment Interaction in Web Service Choreography, W. Yeung, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
- 用BPEL及Web-service做跨組織事務流程
- Problem: 需要一個互動流程(Interacting processes)和行為穩定(Behavioral Consistency)的理論
- 對 BEPL及choreography進行正規化
- Q: What't the major feature missed in current work?
- A: a proper information size, flow controlling and sub-structure of choreography are weak.
- Managing Enterprise Portfolios by Leveraging CBM, J. Krarner etc., IBM
- CBM = Component Business Model
- Portforlio of Projects, with consideration of project dependency
- Risks
- Project duration
- Resource need
- Achieving High Availability and Performance Computing for ERP System Using Oracle Real Application Cluster 10g Arghitecture, Y.L. Chen & Y.H. Lin, 世新大學
- 用Oracle RAC 10g實作分散式ERP
- 應該是學生專題
- Avanade Grid Architecture: Introduction & experiences from the fiels, R. Sgherri, Italy
- 釐清了一些對Grid初學者可能會有的迷思
- Best for
- CPU intensive computrations
- Repetive small computation on big set of data
- Lng running unattended batches
- Not always usable for
- Data intensive computations
- Tightly coupled / pipeline type algorithms
- Time constraned requirements
- Keys of Grid usage on industry
- Data management
- data grid & computation grid
- Monitoring & instrumentation
- task monitoring & resource accounting
- task & grid instrumentation
- advanced scheduling
- overcome simple flat allocation (first available resource)
- interoperability & standards
- multiple grid sdk & products
- no unique complete solution
- level of service
- The Migration of the OpenFoundry System, Academia Sinica
- 中研院自己做的 Open source project site, 類似
- 目前線上大約有800個project。
- 主要功能包括 SVN(CVS) / Wiki / Issue Tracker。
- 國內自己維護一個source forge的想法不知是好是壞;初期也許能鼓勵國內軟體發展,但若從 Open 的觀點來看,放在source forge上的能見度和自由程度應該會更高;
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