Keynote & Paper Presantation
今天的Keynote由前清大校長 C.L. Liu帶來 "Computing and Communication: There's so much that we share"。
接下來三位paper Presentation中,較引起我興趣的是由南韓 Soongsil University的 S.D. Kim教授所帶來的 "Autonomous Service Management for Service-Oriented Architecture"。該paper大概可以當作一個One-way forwarding reasing framwork,和醫生看診一樣,看症狀、猜病因、給藥。Service也可以如此,看request、猜expecting、給response。該研究和我想做的proactive有一滴滴關聯性。
Panel session
第一個Issue是 the next generation enterprise system。
- intelligent agents(autonomy/ adaptive/self-organized and self-organization)
- select agents from enterprise systems
- intelligent agents in NGES(seamless interoperable/scalable and real time/privacy amd trust-awareness/fault-tolerance)
- self-organized and self-organization
- semantic web
- real-time analysis and planning related IA tools
- Business Process modeling
- workflow execution
- BP and SOA
- Workflow type(orchestration)
- issue in BP
- identifying BP
- Managing variability in workflows
- evolution of BP
- SOA is BP-centric
- SOA supports reusing BPs.
第三個Issue是由中正大學吳昇老師帶來的Web 2.0,是我最有興趣的一個issue。
- the Key of Successful Web2.0: Simple, Powerful and easy to Deploy
- Search Enging, Community Engine, Web DB,.. etc.
- A Web-based OS? (我也相信有一天google會用這個東西打死微軟)
- Q:多久以後會看到?
- A:各位還有得等。(真是個好答案)
- Cost of Web-App = 4 * cost o Form-base App (this is really stunning)
- UI is really Important (check old yahoo and new yahoo)
- Don't waste your life waiting !
- "gOS" is Desktop or "Webtop"? - the $199 computer in walmart.
很可惜的是今天的tutorial是非常的tutorial,連hello world都沒教的那種。還是得自己去看api了,哈!
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